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  •    ׸ . . . 2005-07-13 23:54:54  
      ̸ : ()  (203.*.167.51)  ȸ : 4734    

      Imagine ( ׸)

    Imagine there's no heaven
    It"s easy if you try
    õ ٰ غ
    غ ϸ ϵ ƴ

    No hell below us
    Above us only sky
    츮 Ʒ
    ϴø ִٰ غ

    Imagine all the people
    Living for today...
    ϸ ưٰ غ

    Imagine there's no countries
    It isn't hard to do
    ٰ غ
    װ ϵ ƴ

    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion too
    ̴ ̳ ľ ϵ
    ٰ غ

    Imagine all the people
    Living life in peace...

    ȭӰ ư غ

    You may say I"m a dreamer
    But I"m not the only one
    I hope someday you"ll join us
    And the world will be as one
    󰡶 θ 𸣰ڳ׿
    ׷ ƴ϶ϴ
    ŵ ϱ ٷ
    ׷ ϳ Ǿ ư

    Imagine no possessions
    I wonder if you can
    No need for greed or hunger
    A brotherhood of man..
    ٰ غ
    ׷ 𸣰ڱ
    Ž θų ָ ʿ䵵
    ְ ǰ

    Imagine all the people
    Sharing all the world...

    Բ ϴ غ

      * * ڿ ΰ ϸ ġ â ϴ ^^* ȭϴ

        ٽø 05-07-14 09:11 
      * ڿ ΰ ϸ ġ âϴ 纣δ ູſ,ϷϷǼ.ȭϴ.
        ٶ 05-07-14 23:57 
      ϳ Ǿ Բ ȭӰ ⸦ ⵵ 帳ϴ. Ƹ
         05-07-18 15:38 
      .... ؾ¡... ұ η...!!
      Խù 5,198
      ȣ ̸ ¥
      249   ̷ . (2) () 05-07-15 4398
      248   Ҹ¸2. (3) ٶ 05-07-14 3953
      247   !! (3) ȭ 05-07-14 4084
      246   ϳ ۵˴ϴ (2) ġī 05-07-14 3574
      241      ** ** (1) 1004 05-07-14 4329
      245   ̾.. () (2) ƺ 05-07-14 4320
      244   ΰ ϴ (3) () 05-07-14 5760
        ׸ . . . (3) () 05-07-13 4735
      242   ູ ð 帥 (1) ĸ 05-07-13 4379
      241   ** ** (4) ٽø 05-07-13 4673
      240   ̶? (1) ̼Ҹε 05-07-13 3685
      229      40 ̷ ǽ...!! (1) 1004 05-07-13 4239
      239   ǿ (1) 1004 05-07-13 4385
      238   Ҹ 1. (5) ٶ 05-07-13 3613
      237   ^^ 뼳^^^ (1) 05-07-13 3616

      [ó][]... 331 [332][333][334][335][336][337][338][339][340]...[][dz]
      õֱ 뱸뱳 ε / ̽ ǵ 312 / Tel:(054)471-1223 Fax:(054)471-1235
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