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  •   40 ̻ (Saddle The Wind) 2009-09-23 15:25:29  
      ̸ : ȵ巹  (121.*.26.179)  ȸ : 2872    

      Saddle The Wind
      It's my dream
      To see the world
      And fly like a bird On the wind
      To be free
      From the cares of the world
      And never go home again
      Saddle the wind
      I'd like to saddle the wind
      And ride to wherever You were
      And you'll smile
      And cry and welcome me
      Oh my darling
      That's how it's gonna be
      Saddle the wind
      I'd like to saddle the wind
      And ride and ride
      Till I'm by your side
      And you'll laugh
      And cry and welcome me
      Oh my darling
      That's how it's gonna be
      Saddle the wind
      I'd like to saddle the wind
      And ride and ride
      Till I'm by your side
      And you'll laugh
      And cry and welcome me
      Oh my darling
      That's how it's gonna be
      Oh my darling
      That's how it's gonna be
      Oh my darling
      That's how it's gonna be

      ٶ ֽϴ..

      ׷ ٶ ִ ó
      ٽɿ 
      ٽô ö
      ư ֽϴ.
      ٶ ֽϴ.
      ״밡 ִ ̶
      ư Դϴ.
      ״ ̴ ̼ҵ ϸ鼭
      ݰֽ Դϴ
      ״ и ݰֽ Դϴ
      ٶ ֽϴ.
      ״밡 ִ ٴٸ
      ٶ ֽϴ
      ̼Ҷ ǥ
      ݰֽ Դϴ
      ״ и ݰֽ Դϴ.
      ٶ ֽϴ.
      ״밡 ִ ٴٸ
      ٶ ֽϴ
      ̼Ҷ 󱼷
      ݰֽ Դϴ
      ״ и
      ݰֽ Դϴ.
      ״ и
      ݰֽ Դϴ.
      ״ и
      ݰֽ Դϴ.

      ȵ巹 09-09-23 16:01 
    ϳ ҷ ٶ Ƿ Դϴ. δ ׽ غ
      ޻ 09-09-24 00:19 
    ʴ ƴѵ ýϴ.  ư÷?
       09-09-24 07:56 
    ʴ?...... ƴϰ ...뷡 ׿......^:^
      ȵ巹 09-09-24 12:05 
    ɻǰ ϶ ϸ ϸ鼭 ϸ ׾ ҷ ϴ νɻǰ ֽϴ
      pius X 09-09-24 13:26 
    ʴε ýϴ. ٶϴ. ^^
      ȵ巹 09-09-25 11:43 
    ʴ Դϴ. ư ƿ ұ⿡ ۵Ǵ½ ׵ ߵ簡 ѹ ƺ ˴ϴ. ֵ ڲ Ŀ ɷִ Ĺ ڸ ؿ...Ʈ ڴ մϴ. ̶
       09-09-25 18:55 
    ʴ?  Ȥ̶ ~  ׷ Ѱ ƿ..
    ʴ븦 Ͽ... ȱ !!
       09-09-25 18:56 
    ִ ñ..
       09-10-08 09:01 
    40밡 ޽ Ҽִ ð̵ɰͰ׿. 
    þ ǰ!!
    ޽ ϳ׿.
    Խù 5,198
    ȣ ̸ ¥
    964   49 ٳͼ (6) ٿ 06-03-30 5066
    2131   43Ⱓ ҷϵ .... (3) óó 07-06-28 4086
    682   40뿡 ؾ 7 (3) 05-11-28 4105
      40 ̻ (Saddle The Wind) (9) ȵ巹 09-09-23 2873
    229   40 ̷ ǽ...!! (1) 05-07-11 3395
           40 ̷ ǽ...!! (1) 1004 05-07-13 4238
    2945   3 (2) 09-01-21 1710
    3018   3ʸ ο ... (9) Ƹ 09-02-12 2967
    5179   3 ̻ Ѳ 14-03-19 2281
    4396   3 ⵵ (2) ӽ 11-03-09 3151
    4391   331 7 ġ ð (2) **~**~ 11-03-05 3398
    3071   31MEҰ (5) 似dz 09-03-04 2101
    5173   3 ǥ ٿ 14-02-26 2196
    5222   3 ȳ ٿ 15-02-24 2144
    2802   365 (2) 08-11-09 2253

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